Hey y'all! I'm sure that at least once someone has recommended you to try the trick of applying toothpaste to treat a pimple. While this recommendation does have some merit, it is actually in your best interest to avoid doing this, and here's why.
What Merit Does This Trick Have?
Some common ingredients in toothpaste, such as baking soda, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide, are all successful in drying out pimples
Some toothpastes contain menthol which can cause a reduction in pain and swelling of pimples
Why You Should Avoid It...
While you may be thinking that this trick will help you, I am here to tell you it will not. Toothpaste has a basic pH of level, which can greatly irritate your skin which has a naturally acidic pH. This irritation will continue to develop as more and more baking soda infiltrates the skin. There are also many other products not already mentioned, like sodium lauryl sulfate, which are known to be too harsh to treat acne.
What to Do Instead...
Instead of trying this trick to treat a pimple, I recommend using products designed specifically for acne, such as a spot treatment or retinol. Another really great home remedy to try is tea tree oil. It's an essential oil, so you can simply dab a small amount onto a q-tip and apply it to the areas you wish to treat. I use it myself and have found I am very happy with the results! Below, I have attached some of my favorite products that you may want to try for yourself!