As we talked about previously, your skin has millions of pores, which contain a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland, which produces oil. Sometimes, these closed pores become clogged with leftover dirt on our skin, and eventually turn into pimples.
When a clogged pore opens up, it takes on a blackish color, which occurs from exposure to the air. The result is a blackhead! Rather than taking form as a red bump, these typically remain rather small, but are noticeable because of their coloring.
There are many methods to treat and prevent blackheads. A good place to start would be to develop a good skin care routine; an effective face wash can change your skin. For ideas on where to start I recommend checking out one of my previous posts: "Establishing a Routine." Topical ointments also work very well to remove blackheads and decrease sebum production within the skin's pores. Typically, dermatologists have to prescribe topicals such as Retina, however Differen Gel is one of my favorite over the counters!
As for blackhead removal, they can be removed manually using special tools and even by hand, however this method is not recommended because it can cause damage and scarring to the skin. Dermatologists have a number of ways they can remove blackheads, for example microdermablasion and light therapy. However, if these processes are not an option for you, keep in mind that blackheads usually go away on their own.
Sometimes, the root cause for these blackheads must be cured first before the blackheads will go away. Hormones are a large factor into your skin's condition, so always remember not to get too caught up in worrying about blackheads... I promise they are not permanent.